Czechoslovakia. Information.
CZECHOSLOVAKIA (Ceskoslovensko), state in central Europe (exist until 1993). Area - 127 900 sq. km. Population - 15,600,000 (1992) Capital - Prague. On north borders on Poland. On west borders on Germany ( West Germany and DDR). On south borders on Hungary and Austria. On east borders on Ukraine (USSR). The Czechoslovakia was formed in 1918 on Czech and Slovak lands, being included in composition of Dual Monarchy. From October 1938 to March 1939 Czechoslovakia was occupied by nazi Germany. After liberation of Czechoslovak territory in may 1945 it was recreated; in 1948 Czechoslovakia was proclaimed people's democratic republic. Until December 1989 on rule in Czechoslovakia was Communist Party. From 1980 Czechoslovakia existed as federal state - Czech and Slovak Federal Republics (CSFR). 27 November 1989, after demonstrations and universal strike, communist government of Czechoslovakia was forced to retire. Month after coalition of democratic forces chose Vatclav Gavel on president post. In july 1992 was adopted Declaration of Slovakia sovereignty. In november 1992 parliament of CSFR adopted a federal law of cessation of CSFR existence Thus from 1 January 1993, assignee of Czechoslovakia are Czech and Slovak Republic. First post-stamps was issued in 1918. To 1939 published standard, air mail, newspaper, additional paynment, memorable and postal-charitable stamps, and also blocks and small leaves. Some stamps printed on leaves with coupons. After liberation recommenced a regular stamps issue. In 1945-1947 published the official stamps, which used only on Slovak territory to 1948. From 1966 some stamps let out in small leaves from 4 stamps with intermediate coupons. These leaves sometimes by mistake defer by blocks. After period existence of Czechoslovakia was let 33 out series of postage stamps with fauna. First admission was print at 1955 year. Last one - at 1992. Money system: 1 CSFR crown = 100 of hellers.
See also:
Czech Republic