
Michel # 547-556 ;
2006. - Deepwater Fishes.
Moonfish . Deepwater redfish .
Lampris guttatus. Sebastes mentella.
Anglerfish . Atlantic footballfish .
Lophius piscatorius. Himantolophus groenlandicus.
Deep-sea angler . Ceratiida .
Ceratias holboelli. Linophryne lucifera .
Elongated bristlemouth . Hatchet fish .
Gonostoma elongatum . Argyropelecus olfersi .
Straightnose rabbitfish . Blue ray .
Rhinochimaera atlantica . Neoraja caerulea .
Face-value - 5.50 K.
Color - 4 colour.
Designer - Astrid Andreasen.
Date of issue - 13.02.2006.
Stamp Quantity - no info.
Stamp Size - 30 x 40 mm .
Perforation - 14.
Size of the M/S: 125 x 180 mm.
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